Eight years ago the Sarasota High School Theater program was approached about dancing to Thriller and though the original event did not occur a relationship was born between SHS and the St. Armand's Circle Association. St. Armand's Circle has put on an annual Safe-Trick-or-Treating event every Halloween for the past seven years. Sarasota High School Theater department co-sponsors this event and provides the entertainment for it.
Somewhere between 75 to 100 students and alumni from Sarasota High School learn the Michael Jackson dance every October for three weeks and then audition along with 200 other students in front of a panel of judges. Once selected they do a series of event culminating with the Thriller event in St. Armand's Circle.
On the day of Thriller a select group of students get to school at 4:00am to get make-up put on and then go on the air live with Mavrick and Lou Lou in the morning on 106.5. They have been seen on the channel 7 news, SNN and multiple stories have been done on their performance in the Herald Tribune. After their radio broadcast they come back and 100 students descend on the SHS theater room where they begin a 2 hour per-student make-up and costuming process. They start out on tables getting latex (depending on their story) with oatmeal, toilet paper or cotton swabs to create their character. Then they move to the airbrush station where they are painted to resemble the undead. Then their wounds are dramatized and their story starts to come to life with the gore added.
ZOMBIE WALK: 6:00pm (children friendly zombies on the outer circle and the scarier ones on the interior) THRILLER DANCE: 8:00pm @ the center of the circle.
Students with questions about auditions or learning the dances should see Ms. Dweck or Thriller Student Directors Kelsey Fisher and Lauren Dubbs in the theater